They had been baked by the searing heat , baked and charred almost to the ground .

%3 0249_0002__had_0249_0003__been_0249_0004__baked had_been_baked 0249_0001__They they 0249_0002__had_0249_0003__been_0249_0004__baked->0249_0001__They [arg1] 0249_0006__the_0249_0008__heat the_heat 0249_0002__had_0249_0003__been_0249_0004__baked->0249_0006__the_0249_0008__heat by[arg0] 0249_0007__searing searing 0249_0007__searing->0249_0006__the_0249_0008__heat [arg0]

IP-MAT NP-SBJ PRO They HVD;~cat_Ve had IP-PPL-CAT BEN;~cat_Ve_passive_ been IP-PPL-CAT VVN;~Tn baked PP-LGS P-ROLE by NP D the IP-PPL VAG;~I searing N heat PUNC , REP ILYR NP-LGS * ILYR ILYR VVN;~Tn baked CONJP CONJ and ILYR VVN;~Tn charred PP-NIM-DIR ADVP-MOD ADV almost P-ROLE to NP D the N ground PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ;{PIERS} (PRO They;{they}))
          (HVD;~cat_Ve had;{have})
          (IP-PPL-CAT (BEN;~cat_Ve_passive_ been;{be})
                      (IP-PPL-CAT (VVN;~Tn baked;{bake})
                                  (PP-LGS (P-ROLE by;{by})
                                          (NP (D the;{the})
                                              (IP-PPL (VAG;~I searing;{sear}))
                                              (N heat;{heat})))
                                  (PUNC ,)
                                  (REP (ILYR (NP-LGS *)
                                             (ILYR (ILYR (VVN;~Tn baked;{bake}))
                                                   (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                                          (ILYR (VVN;~Tn charred;{char}))))
                                             (PP-NIM-DIR (ADVP-MOD (ADV almost;{almost}))
                                                         (P-ROLE to;{to})
                                                         (NP (D the;{the})
                                                             (N ground;{ground})))))))
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 249_a_dick_1952))