Playwrights Arnold Wesker ( the kitchen ) and Robert Bolt ( the flowering cherry ) were jailed for a month .

%3 0112_0016__were_0112_0017__jailed were_jailed 0112_0001__Playwrights_0112_0002__Arnold_0112_0003__Weske0112_0005__the_0112_0006__kitchen_0112_0008__and_0112_0009__Robert_0112_0010__Bolt_0112_0012__the_0112_0013__flowering_0112_0014__cherry playwrights_arnold_wesker_the_kitchen_and_robert_bolt_the_flowering_cherry 0112_0016__were_0112_0017__jailed->0112_0001__Playwrights_0112_0002__Arnold_0112_0003__Weske0112_0005__the_0112_0006__kitchen_0112_0008__and_0112_0009__Robert_0112_0010__Bolt_0112_0012__the_0112_0013__flowering_0112_0014__cherry [arg1] 0112_0019__a_0112_0020__month a_month 0112_0016__were_0112_0017__jailed->0112_0019__a_0112_0020__month for[nim][tmp]

IP-MAT NP-SBJ N Playwrights NLYR NLYR NP NPR Arnold NPR Wesker PULB -LRB- PRN NP D the N kitchen PURB -RRB- CONJP CONJ and NP NPR Robert NPR Bolt PULB -LRB- PRN NP D the IP-PPL VAG flowering N cherry PURB -RRB- BED;~cat_Ve_passive_ were IP-PPL-CAT NP-LGS * VVN jailed PP-NIM-TMP P-ROLE for NP D a N month PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (N Playwrights;{playwright})
                  (NLYR (NLYR (NP (NPR Arnold;{Arnold})
                                  (NPR Wesker;{Wesker})
                                  (PULB -LRB-)
                                  (PRN (NP (D the;{the})
                                           (N kitchen;{kitchen})))
                                  (PURB -RRB-))
                              (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                     (NP (NPR Robert;{Robert})
                                         (NPR Bolt;{Bolt})
                                         (PULB -LRB-)
                                         (PRN (NP (D the;{the})
                                                  (IP-PPL (VAG flowering;{flower}))
                                                  (N cherry;{cherry})))
                                         (PURB -RRB-))))))
          (BED;~cat_Ve_passive_ were;{be})
          (IP-PPL-CAT (NP-LGS *)
                      (VVN jailed;{jail})
                      (PP-NIM-TMP (P-ROLE for;{for})
                                  (NP (D a;{a})
                                      (N month;{month}))))
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 112_a_lob_a02))