The Prime Minister is under a duty “ to explain the full facts and reasoning underlying the decision challenged ” : AHK v Secretary of State for the Home Department -LSB- 2012 -RSB- EWHC 1117 ( Admin ) at <sect> 22 .

%3 0035_0004__is is 0035_0001__The_0035_0002__Prime_0035_0003__Minister the_prime_minister 0035_0004__is->0035_0001__The_0035_0002__Prime_0035_0003__Minister [arg0] 0035_0006__a_0035_0007__duty a_duty 0035_0004__is->0035_0006__a_0035_0007__duty under[prd2] 0035_0010__explain explain 0035_0006__a_0035_0007__duty->0035_0010__explain [emb] 0035_0011__the_0035_0013__facts_0035_0014__and_0035_0015__reasoning the_facts_and_reasoning 0035_0010__explain->0035_0011__the_0035_0013__facts_0035_0014__and_0035_0015__reasoning [arg1] 0035_0012__full full 0035_0011__the_0035_0013__facts_0035_0014__and_0035_0015__reasoning->0035_0012__full [attrib] 0035_0016__underlying underlying 0035_0016__underlying->0035_0011__the_0035_0013__facts_0035_0014__and_0035_0015__reasoning [arg0] 0035_0017__the_0035_0018__decision the_decision 0035_0016__underlying->0035_0017__the_0035_0018__decision [arg1] 0035_0019__challenged challenged 0035_0019__challenged->0035_0017__the_0035_0018__decision [arg0]

IP-MAT NP-SBJ D The NPR Prime NPR Minister BEP;~Ipr is PP-CLR-PRD2 P-ROLE under NP D a N duty PULQ IP-INF TO to VB explain NP-OB1 D the ADJP ADJ full NLYR NP NS facts CONJP CONJ and NP N reasoning IP-PPL VAG underlying NP-OB1 D the N decision IP-PPL VVN challenged PURQ PUNC : META NP NPR AHK PP P-ROLE v NP N Secretary PP P-ROLE of NP NPR State PP P-ROLE for NP D the NPR Home NPR Department PULB -LSB- PRN NP NPR 2012 PURB -RSB- NPR EWHC NPR 1117 PULB -LRB- N Admin PURB -RRB- PP P-ROLE at NP N <sect> NUM 22 PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ;{JOHNSON} (D The;{the})
                            (NPR Prime;{Prime})
                            (NPR Minister;{Minister}))
          (BEP;~Ipr is;{be[under]})
          (PP-CLR-PRD2 (P-ROLE under;{under})
                       (NP (D a;{a})
                           (N duty;{duty})
                           (PULQ <ldquo>)
                           (IP-INF (TO to;{to})
                                   (VB explain;{explain})
                                   (NP-OB1 (D the;{the})
                                           (ADJP (ADJ full;{full}))
                                           (NLYR (NP (NS facts;{fact}))
                                                 (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                                        (NP (N reasoning;{reasoning}))))
                                           (IP-PPL (VAG underlying;{underlie})
                                                   (NP-OB1 (D the;{the})
                                                           (N decision;{decision})
                                                           (IP-PPL (VVN challenged;{challenge}))))))
                           (PURQ <rdquo>)))
          (PUNC :)
          (META (NP (NPR AHK;{AHK})
                    (PP (P-ROLE v)
                        (NP (N Secretary;{secretary})
                            (PP (P-ROLE of;{of})
                                (NP (NPR State;{State})))
                            (PP (P-ROLE for;{for})
                                (NP (D the;{the})
                                    (NPR Home;{Home})
                                    (NPR Department;{Department})))))
                    (PULB -LSB-)
                    (PRN (NP (NPR 2012)))
                    (PURB -RSB-)
                    (NPR EWHC;{EWHC})
                    (NPR 1117)
                    (PULB -LRB-)
                    (N Admin;{admin})
                    (PURB -RRB-)
                    (PP (P-ROLE at;{at})
                        (NP (N <sect>)
                            (NUM 22)))))
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 35_a_major_case))