Top a_sunglasses_story
1 | The sunglasses story |
2 | Imagine that all people in your home country , from the beginning of time , today and forever , were born with two legs , two arms , two eyes , two ears , a nose , a mouth and a pair of sunglasses with yellow lenses . |
3 | No one has ever thought that it is strange that people wear sunglasses all the time . |
4 | It has always been like that and they are like a part of the human body . |
5 | Everyone wears them . |
6 | Take off your sunglasses and look at them . |
7 | It is the values , attitudes , ideas that people in your country share which gives the glasses their yellow colour . |
8 | Everything everyone has seen , been taught and experienced has entered the brain through the yellow lenses . |
9 | Everything has been filtered through those values and those ideas which colour the glasses yellow . |
10 | The yellow lenses are your attitudes , your faith , your values and your cultural background . |
11 | Thousands of miles away , in another country , there are people who , from the beginning of time , today and forever , were born with two legs , two arms , two eyes , two ears , a nose , a mouth and a pair of sunglasses with blue lenses . |
12 | No one has ever thought that it is strange that people wear sunglasses all the time . |
13 | It has always been like that and they are like a part of the human body . |
14 | Everyone wears them . |
15 | Everything the people in this country have seen , been taught and experienced has been filtered through the blue lenses . |
16 | Once there was a person travelling from your country to the other country . |
17 | She was smart and understood that if she wanted to learn about the other country and the other people she had to get a pair of blue glasses to be able to “ see ” . |
18 | When she arrived in the other country she made sure she got a pair of blue glasses . |
19 | She stayed for three months and felt that she really learned a lot about the other people 's values , faith and ideas . |
20 | She could really “ see ” with the help of the new blue glasses . |
21 | When she arrived home in her own country she became an expert on the other country and proudly told a lot of interested listeners that the other culture was green . |