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title Your coronavirus lockdown confessions
source BBC news
date 7 June 2020
genre newswire

1Your coronavirus lockdown confessions By Alice Cuddy BBC News 7 June 2020 https:<slash><slash><slash>news<slash>uk_-_52835351
27_-_8 minutes
3A_few weeks ago , we asked for your lockdown confessions . It turns out some of you have a_lot to get off your chest . We 've all had to sacrifice a_lot while being stuck indoors . Some of you have new guilty secrets you wanted to share . And some of you have engaged in rule_-_breaking while others were behaving themselves . We are definitely not condoning any of it . Here are six of our readers ' stories - we 've chosen to keep them anonymous .
4<bbold> I submitted a presentation I had from work for my son 's homework as he had forgotten to do it . <ebold> <bbold> He got amazing feedback ! <ebold> My son 's in Year Nine and he had some home - school work to do . Normally I would help out but I was busy with lots of other things that day , and he had a presentation that was overdue . I teach IT for apprentices so I just gave him a presentation one of them did and told him to adapt that . But he did n't change it - he just changed the name on the front . His teacher acted like it was the best piece of work they 'd ever seen . It got full marks on the feedback and made it into the school newsletter . Now not only do I have a_lot to do with the home - schooling work , but I have guilt as_well on top of that . This is the first time I 've ever done anything like this . My son is really happy about it . I 've told him it 's a one - off and never happening again .
5<bbold> I 've religiously disinfected the groceries in my weekly supermarket delivery - except_for the items I take over_to my mother - in - law <ebold> I 'm lucky enough to get groceries delivered and I bring some over_to my elderly mother - in - law . It 's all such a palaver - washing everything and making sure it 's all hygienic . So I 've just been bunging hers into a bag and taking it round . She 's been going out so I sort_of feel like if she gets coronavirus , it could be from anywhere . I do feel guilty . I 'm not trying to bump her off . She 's never asked me if I 've disinfected everything before I 've taken it to her . If she did , I would tell her . I 'm classed as vulnerable so I am being ultra , ultra paranoid .
6It just takes forever to unload everything and disinfect it and put it all away .
7So I just think “ I 'm going to do mine and leave her to disinfect hers if she wants . ”
8<bbold> I drove to my grandparents ' house to deliver an “ essential ” birthday cake <ebold> It was both of my sons ' birthdays at the beginning of April and obviously we were n't supposed to be making any journeys other than essential ones but I delivered my grandparents some of their birthday cake - it was a_bit of a knock - and - run . Usually we have big family gatherings and all the rest of it but obviously that was n't possible this year . Looking back I suppose if everyone had done that we could be in a different situation but I do n't feel that bad about it - it meant a lot to my grandparents . They 're very sociable and obviously they 've been completely isolating so I think getting the cake did cheer them up .
9<bbold> I flashed my naked boobs at my hubby whilst he was on a work video call , forgetting that he was sitting in_front_of a mirror <ebold> My husband is working from home during the lockdown . His office is full of boring stuffy shirts who are also working from home and I thought it would be hilarious one day while he was on quite an important teleconference meeting to burst into the office , pull my top up and waggle my boobs at him . It was n't a quick flash - it was a prolonged , bouncing episode that was probably quite horrible to behold . Then I realised that he has quite a big mirror behind his head and I was standing facing him , behind his computer screen , performing . Literally everyone who was on the conference call would have been able to see the reflection behind his head . They had a full_-_on full monty . It was horrifying when I realised everyone could see . They were all too polite to say anything but they ca n't have not seen . I think there was some sniggering . My husband was pretending nothing had happened . He did n't find it remotely funny at the time , but afterwards he found it a_bit funny .
10<bbold> I 've got really drunk to forget how lonely I am <ebold> I live alone in my flat so the only times I see people are when I get a delivery at the concierge . It 's quite lonely sometimes . I video_chat with my friends frequently but it 's not the same as having them here . I discovered this wine website which has good wines for a very good price . I bought a lot of them . When I feel sad because_of loneliness I have one glass of wine , or two , or sometimes the whole bottle . It 's kind_of sad but then I think it 's just like_when we were allowed to go to bars on a Friday night . The big difference is that the bar is now my home and there is no crowd of people .
11<bbold> We formed an isolation bubble with two friends <ebold> I live in a flat with a housemate and he has a very close friend who lives down the road on his own and another friend who lives up the road also on her own , so we were doing a sort of isolation bubble . It started with just going for walks and then we had a barbecue in one of their gardens and then I had a birthday and invited them round to dinner at my house . We met up maybe about four times in total . Three out_of those times were birthdays . It sort_of seemed justified because for people who live on their own I think it 's really , really hard for them . But then I know everyone probably has a justification for their lockdown breaches so I have had a_bit of a pang of guilt .