The current local state of the QED line of descent is exemplified by sam , by Rob Pike ( see his “ The Text Editor sam , ” in Software -- Practice and Experience 17 # 11 , Nov. 1987 ) .

%3 0047_0001__The_0047_0004__state the_state 0047_0002__current current 0047_0001__The_0047_0004__state->0047_0002__current [attrib] 0047_0003__local local 0047_0001__The_0047_0004__state->0047_0003__local [attrib] 0047_0006__the_0047_0007__QED_0047_0008__line the_qed_line 0047_0001__The_0047_0004__state->0047_0006__the_0047_0007__QED_0047_0008__line of 0047_0010__descent descent 0047_0006__the_0047_0007__QED_0047_0008__line->0047_0010__descent of 0047_0011__is_0047_0012__exemplified is_exemplified 0047_0011__is_0047_0012__exemplified->0047_0001__The_0047_0004__state [arg1] 0047_0014__sam sam 0047_0011__is_0047_0012__exemplified->0047_0014__sam by[lgs] z_0047_1010 [imperative] 0047_0011__is_0047_0012__exemplified->z_0047_1010 [prn_comment] 0047_0017__Rob_0047_0018__Pike rob_pike 0047_0014__sam->0047_0017__Rob_0047_0018__Pike by 0047_0020__see see z_0047_1010->0047_0020__see [scope] 0047_0026__sam sam 0047_0020__see->0047_0026__sam [arg1] 0047_0035__17_0047_0036___num__0047_0037__11 17__num__11 0047_0020__see->0047_0035__17_0047_0036___num__0047_0037__11 in[loc] 0047_0021__his his 0047_0026__sam->0047_0021__his [genv] 0047_0023__The_0047_0024__Text_0047_0025__Editor the_text_editor 0047_0026__sam->0047_0023__The_0047_0024__Text_0047_0025__Editor [nlyr] 0047_0030__Software_0047_0032__Practice_0047_0033__and_0047_0034__Experience software_practice_and_experience 0047_0035__17_0047_0036___num__0047_0037__11->0047_0030__Software_0047_0032__Practice_0047_0033__and_0047_0034__Experience [nlyr] 0047_0039__Nov._0047_0040__1987 nov._1987 0047_0039__Nov._0047_0040__1987->0047_0035__17_0047_0036___num__0047_0037__11 [prn]

IP-MAT NP-SBJ D The ADJP ADJ current ADJP ADJ local N state PP P-ROLE of NP D the NPR QED N line PP P-ROLE of NP N descent BEP;~cat_Ve_passive_ is IP-PPL-CAT NP-LGS * VVN exemplified PP-LGS P-ROLE by NP NPR sam PUNC , PP P-ROLE by NP NPR Rob NPR Pike PULB -LRB- PRN IP-IMP VB see NP-OB1 NP-GENV PRO;_genm_ his PULQ NLYR D The N Text N Editor NPR sam PUNC , PURQ PP-LOC P-ROLE in NP NLYR NPR Software PUNC -- NLYR NLYR NP NPR Practice CONJP CONJ and NP NPR Experience NUM 17 N <num> NUM 11 PUNC , PRN NP NPR Nov. NPR 1987 PURB -RRB- PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ (D The;{the})
                  (ADJP (ADJ current;{current}))
                  (ADJP (ADJ local;{local}))
                  (N state;{state})
                  (PP (P-ROLE of;{of})
                      (NP (D the;{the})
                          (NPR QED;{QED})
                          (N line;{line})
                          (PP (P-ROLE of;{of})
                              (NP (N descent;{descent}))))))
          (BEP;~cat_Ve_passive_ is;{be})
          (IP-PPL-CAT (NP-LGS *)
                      (VVN exemplified;{exemplify})
                      (PP-LGS (P-ROLE by;{by})
                              (NP;{SAM} (NPR sam;{sam})
                                        (PUNC ,)
                                        (PP (P-ROLE by;{by})
                                            (NP;{ROB} (NPR Rob;{Rob})
                                                      (NPR Pike;{Pike}))))))
          (PULB -LRB-)
          (PRN (IP-IMP (VB see;{see})
                       (NP-OB1 (NP-GENV;{ROB} (PRO;_genm_ his;{his}))
                               (PULQ <ldquo>)
                               (NLYR (D The;{the})
                                     (N Text;{text})
                                     (N Editor;{editor}))
                               (NPR sam;{sam})
                               (PUNC ,)
                               (PURQ <rdquo>))
                       (PP-LOC (P-ROLE in;{in})
                               (NP (NLYR (NPR Software;{Software})
                                         (PUNC --)
                                         (NLYR (NLYR (NP (NPR Practice;{Practice}))
                                                     (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                                            (NP (NPR Experience;{Experience}))))))
                                   (NUM 17)
                                   (N <num>)
                                   (NUM 11)
                                   (PUNC ,)
                                   (PRN (NP (NPR Nov<dot>)
                                            (NPR 1987)))))))
          (PURB -RRB-)
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 47_a_history_of_qed))