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title An incomplete history of the QED Text Editor
author Dennis Ritchie.

1An incomplete history of the QED Text Editor
2Dennis Ritchie
3The text editors ed and vi , still much - used on Unix systems and elsewhere , have a long history , some bits of which are recounted here .
4The QED text editor was first written by Butler Lampson and Peter Deutsch for the Berkeley time - sharing system on the SDS 940 ; see their paper in C. ACM 10 <num> 12 ( December , 1967 ) .
5Ken Thompson used this QED at Berkeley before he came to Bell Labs , and among the first things he did on arriving was to write a new version for the MIT CTSS system .
6Written in IBM 7090 assembly language , it differed from the Berkeley version most notably in introducing regular expressions for specifying strings to seek within the document being edited , and to specify a substring for which a substitution should be made .
7Until that time , text editors could search for a literal string , and substitute for one , but not specify more general strings .
8Ken not only introduced a new idea , he found an inventive implementation : on - the - fly compiling .
9Ken 's QED compiled machine code for each regular expression that created a NDFA ( non - deterministic finite automaton ) to do the search .
10He published this in C. ACM 11 <num> 6 , and also received a patent for the technique : US Patent <num> 3568156 .
11( Who said you could n't get a software patent until recently ? )
12While the Berkeley QED was character - oriented , the CTSS version was line - oriented .
13Ken 's CTSS qed adopted from the Berkeley one the notion of multiple buffers to edit several files simultaneously and to move and copy text among them , and also the idea of executing a given buffer as editor commands , thus providing programmability .
14( TECO , which grew into Emacs , was approximately contemporaneous or just a bit later , and elaborated these ideas independently ) .
15CTSS was used at Bell Labs as part of our participation in the Multics project , and as Ken began to use Multics , he wrote yet another version of QED for that system .
16This one was in BCPL , and instead of compiling to machine code , regular expressions were represented as trees that were interpreted by the editor .
17However , the basic technique of simulating an NDFA was still used .
18During the same period ( ca. 1967 ) , I arrived at Bell Labs , and fairly soon thereafter the company began withdrawing from Multics .
19Unix was at first nonexistent and then embryonic , and the main computation resource was GE - TSS , GE 's time - sharing system for GECOS .
20I liked QED , and so set out to write a version of it for this system .
21This , like Ken 's CTSS QED , was written in assembly language and compiled its regular expressions to machine code .
22This version was described in an internal technical memo , which is obtainable either in a slightly cut - down HTML browsable format , or reproduced as a scanned ( and big : 1.1 MB ) PDF image .
23I wrote some incomplete notes of this QED 's internal workings .
24This was intended to be a published paper , but was never finished .
25This QED was probably the most baroque and complicated of all its manifestations , particularly in pushing “ regular expressions ” well beyond what Kleene thought they should do .
26Other and later offspring of QED and its predecessors kept the central ideas , but were considerably simpler .
27For a brief period in the 1970s , the GECOS QED served us as a scripting language ; it was in some ways analogous to the Awk or Perl of today .
28It was used for such tasks as submitting batch jobs , formatting files for the printer , collecting statistics on a file .
29A collection of macros to do various useful tasks was put in a commonly available place .
30By 1974 , Jay Michlin at Bell Labs wrote a version approximating this rendition for the IBM TSO system , and it was used at the Labs locations using IBM hardware and software .
31It seems that this version ( or perhaps another reimplementation ) was released : I have the first few pages of a document , courtesy of Joshua Ryan , that were used as “ TSO Short Course Notes ” at University of Missouri -- Columbia .
32These discuss BQED , “ an editor developed at Bell Labs ....
33BQED actually has fewer general - purpose commands than EDIT .... many of these concisely - stated commands can not be performed by the other editors . ”
34( Ryan 's UMC notes also talk about an apparently unrelated QED , for “ Quick Edit ” ) .
36The “ standard Unix editor ” ed was first written by Ken Thompson for the PDP .
37It kept the basic text - line orientation , but radically simplified the regular expressions to include only the operator : no alternation , no parentheses .
38Where my QED embraced much of the context - free languages , this version could not even express all regular languages .
39It was not much of a loss .
40Similarly , Ken 's Unix ed ditched the notion of multiple buffers and of execution of buffers .
41Subsequent versions of ed for Unix ( now written in C ) began to add back some of the complexity ( e.g. back - referencing in “ regular ” expressions , which now did n't quite include all the regular languages nor context - free languages , but did intrude a bit on the context - sensitive languages . )
42Subsequent developments along this line include vi , done mostly by Bill Joy at UC Berkeley .
43According to George Coulouris , vi was based on ( or at least inspired by ) the em editor done at Queen Mary College in London .
44The advance here was essentially to adapt the command - set of ed to a screen - editor format ; instead of doing things on ( possibly virtual ) paper on a typewriter , vi keeps a current view of a piece of a document on the screen , while commands are typed on the bottom line .
45Keeping a constantly updated window on a part of the text being edited is now , of course , completely standard and accepted .
46The same program , under the name ex , works better on typewriter - like terminals ; aside from some fancier commands and better diagnostics , it 's essentially ed .
47The current local state of the QED line of descent is exemplified by sam , by Rob Pike ( see his “ The Text Editor sam , ” in Software -- Practice and Experience 17 <num> 11 , Nov. 1987 ) .
48It 's available for FTP in both Unix and Windows versions ; search for “ sam editor ” on netlib .
49Sam offers cut - and - paste , mouse - and - menu editing on its text windows together with a command window , the language of which is drawn from the QED line of descent .
50The current implementation of regular expressions in Bell Labs research software uses algorithms close to those in Ken 's CTSS and Multics versions , particularly the latter , because they do n't try to compile to machine code .
51They have been elaborated somewhat in that they deal with a very large character set ( Unicode ) , but they keep both the classical set of operators ( <star> , <pipe> , concatenation , grouping for parentheses ) and the NDFA simulation .
52We 've done some fairly elaborate versions of grep that construct DFAs dynamically on demand , use Boyer - Moore techniques for fast searching of fixed strings , and so on .
53In the end simple and solid seems best .
54Indeed , there have been many approximate reimplementations of ed , including a basic and didactic one by Kernighan and Plauger in Software Tools ( 1976 ) , and eventually the expectable GNU version ; there seems also to be a “ more user - friendly ” rendition called bole .
55Going back to the 1970s , QED had other offspring .
56Bob Daley wrote an editor called qedx in PL<sol>1 for the Multics project .
57See , for example , Tom Van Vleck 's encyclopedic discussion of Multics things ( this pointer being to things beginning with Q ) .
58The tart comments about the rebarbativeness of QED as a scripting language are on the mark , though I do n't think that Emacs is all that much better .
59An offspring of qedx , ted , was later done by Jim Falksen of Honeywell and became a Multics product .
60A traditional ( and maybe the nicest ) version of QED was done at the University of Toronto by Tom Duff , Rob Pike , Hugh Redelmeier , and David Tilbrook ; it supports multiple buffers , execution of buffers , and regular expressions with back - referencing .
61A more recent Canadian version , also a traditional - style descendant , is Fred , from Thinkage Ltd .
62It , like various earlier versions , is available for Honeywell GCOS systems and is still used as a scripting language as well as a line - editor for TTY - like communications interfaces .