Since 1958 , 13 labour life peers and peeresses have been created .

%3 0009_0010__have_0009_0011__been_0009_0012__created have_been_created 0009_0002__1958 1958 0009_0010__have_0009_0011__been_0009_0012__created->0009_0002__1958 since[nim][tmp] 0009_0004__13_0009_0005__labou0009_0006__life_0009_0007__peers_0009_0008__and_0009_0009__peeresses 13_labour_life_peers_and_peeresses 0009_0010__have_0009_0011__been_0009_0012__created->0009_0004__13_0009_0005__labou0009_0006__life_0009_0007__peers_0009_0008__and_0009_0009__peeresses [arg1]

IP-MAT PP-NIM-TMP P-ROLE Since NP NPR 1958 PUNC , NP-SBJ NUM 13 N labour N life NLYR NLYR NP NS peers CONJP CONJ and NP NS peeresses HVP;~cat_Ve have IP-PPL-CAT BEN;~cat_Ve_passive_ been IP-PPL-CAT NP-LGS * VVN created PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (PP-NIM-TMP (P-ROLE Since;{since})
                      (NP (NPR 1958)))
          (PUNC ,)
          (NP-SBJ (NUM 13)
                  (N labour;{labour})
                  (N life;{life})
                  (NLYR (NLYR (NP (NS peers;{peer}))
                              (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                     (NP (NS peeresses;{peeress}))))))
          (HVP;~cat_Ve have;{have})
          (IP-PPL-CAT (BEN;~cat_Ve_passive_ been;{be})
                      (IP-PPL-CAT (NP-LGS *)
                                  (VVN created;{create})))
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 9_a_lob_a01))