Now my grandmother talks with passion about scrounging refugees ; those asylum seekers who ca n't even speak the language , storming the country and making it difficult for her and everyone else .

%3 0165_0003__grandmother grandmother 0165_0002__my my 0165_0003__grandmother->0165_0002__my [genv] 0165_0004__talks talks 0165_0004__talks->0165_0003__grandmother [arg0] 0165_0001__Now now 0165_0004__talks->0165_0001__Now [nim][tmp] 0165_0006__passion passion 0165_0004__talks->0165_0006__passion with[nim][mnr] 0165_0008__scrounging scrounging 0165_0004__talks->0165_0008__scrounging about[nim][rst] 0165_0008__scrounging->0165_0003__grandmother [arg0]

IP-MAT ADVP-NIM-TMP ADV Now NP-SBJ NP-GENV PRO;_genm_ my N grandmother VBP talks PP-NIM-MNR P-ROLE with NP N passion PP-NIM-RST P-ROLE about IP-PPL VAG scrounging NS refugees PUNC ; PRN NP D those N asylum NS seekers IP-REL NP-SBJ RPRO who MD;~cat_Vi ca NEG;_clitic_ n't IP-INF-CAT ADVP-NIM-MOD ADV even VB speak NP-OB1 D the N language PUNC , IP-PPL ILYR ILYR VAG storming NP-OB1 D the N country CONJP CONJ and ILYR VAG making NP-OB1 PRO it ADJP-PRD ADJ difficult PP P-ROLE for NP NLYR NP PRO her CONJP CONJ and NP Q;_nphd_ everyone ADVP ADV else PUNC .
( (IP-MAT (ADVP-NIM-TMP (ADV Now;{now}))
          (NP-SBJ;{GRANDMA} (NP-GENV (PRO;_genm_ my;{my}))
                            (N grandmother;{grandmother}))
          (VBP talks;{talk})
          (PP-NIM-MNR (P-ROLE with;{with})
                      (NP (N passion;{passion})))
          (PP-NIM-RST (P-ROLE about;{about})
                      (IP-PPL (VAG scrounging;{scrounge}))
                      (NS refugees;{refugee})
                      (PUNC ;)
                      (PRN (NP (D those;{those})
                               (N asylum;{asylum})
                               (NS seekers;{seeker})
                               (IP-REL (NP-SBJ (RPRO who;{who}))
                                       (MD;~cat_Vi ca;{can})
                                       (NEG;_clitic_ n<apos>t;{not})
                                       (IP-INF-CAT (ADVP-NIM-MOD (ADV even;{even}))
                                                   (VB speak;{speak})
                                                   (NP-OB1 (D the;{the})
                                                           (N language;{language}))))
                               (PUNC ,)
                               (IP-PPL (ILYR (ILYR (VAG storming;{storm})
                                                   (NP-OB1 (D the;{the})
                                                           (N country;{country})))
                                             (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                                    (ILYR (VAG making;{make})
                                                          (NP-OB1;{LIFE} (PRO it;{it}))
                                                          (ADJP-PRD (ADJ difficult;{difficult})
                                                                    (PP (P-ROLE for;{for})
                                                                        (NP (NLYR (NP;{GRANDMA} (PRO her;{her}))
                                                                                  (CONJP (CONJ and;{and})
                                                                                         (NP (Q;_nphd_ everyone;{everyone})
                                                                                             (ADVP (ADV else;{else})))))))))))))))
          (PUNC .))
  (ID 165_a_loosechange))