Top    a_planetoid

title Planetoid (AKA Defender)
year 1982
author Neil Raine
publishers Acornsoft, Superior/Acornsoft
release type Commercial Release
primary genre Space Shooter (Scrolling)
taken from

1Planetoid Written by Neil Raine
2Your laser - ship is patrolling the surface of the planetoid .
3The scanner in the top section of the screen shows the whole planet 's surface , and can be used for long - range reconnaissance .
4The lower part of the screen displays the section over which the laser - ship is flying .
5The raiders can be seen hovering around the surface on the look - out for life - forms , which they can drag off into space .
6As a raider ascends with a life - form , you can destroy it with your lasers , or with the ‘ smart bombs ’ which disintegrate everything hostile within sight .
7Having annihilated the raider , you can intercept the plummetting life - form and set him safely back down on the surface .
8If you do n't rescue a life - form before the raider carrying him reaches the top of the screen , the raider will mutate .
9You will then have to contend with a mutant , while also being attacked by bombers , spores and megacytes ; all of which are to be avoided at all costs and killed before going on to the next wave .
10Cruisers are also dangerous , but do n't have to be destroyed before you move on to the next wave .
11When megacytes are destroyed , they release a cloud of spores - use the smart bombs wisely , as you only have three to begin with .
12Look out when only one life - form remains , since if the raider abducting him reaches the top of the screen the planetoid explodes , and all the raiders become mutants .
13However , after every five attack waves , you get a new planetoid , and a new set of life - forms to defend .
14You start off with three ships , but for every 10,000 points you score , you gain a ship plus a smart bomb .
15Score 500 for each life - form caught in flight and 500 for each one safely returned to the planetoid surface .
16Three numbers are displayed at the top of the screen : the first shows your score and the second and third show the numbers of remaining laser ships and smart bombs respectively .
17Press the SPACE BAR to continue .