The Treebank Semantics Parsed Corpus (TSPC) static interface

80 files; 5,339 trees; 89,854 words

a_alresford1022,712belles lettres, biography, essays ; Freda Kelsall, NO. 100 - ALRESFORD REMEMBERED
a_artb_4_a1_e19188press : reportage
a_artb_4_a1_e29229press : reportage
a_beeton_1861421,364popular magazines ; S. O. Beeton in 24 Monthly Parts 1859-1861
a_betty_botter370nursery rhyme ; Carolyn Wells, The Jingle Book, 1899
a_cat_mouse13114instruction manual : computer game
a_coleridge_179812351poetry ; Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan
a_dick_19526234,877science fiction : Short stories ; Philip K. Dick, The Gun, Planet Stories September 1952 edition
a_driver_handbook50854instruction manual : Parts of California Driver's Handbook ; Sections: Right-of-way on mountain roads, Speed limits
a_duplex551,063press : reportage : BBC, Technology Reportage
a_factbook_1_2010851,248non-fiction : THE CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 2010
a_factbook_2_20101082,674non-fiction : THE CIA WORLD FACTBOOK 2010
a_fce_0100_2000_0636458educational material : exam question
a_fce_0100_2000_1233449educational material : exam question
a_fce_0100_2001_0640497educational material : exam question
a_fce_0101_2000_0629387educational material : exam question
a_fce_0101_2001_0641527educational material : exam question
a_fce_0102_2000_0633393educational material : exam question
a_fce_0102_2000_1239470educational material : exam question
a_fce_0102_2001_0340500educational material : exam question
a_fce_0102_2001_0639451educational material : exam question
a_fce_0102_2001_1232437educational material : exam question
a_fog_cat326poetry ; Carl Sandburg, Fog
a_freedoom46786instruction manual : computer game
a_goodwill43507open letter ; philanthropic-fundraising, December 1998
a_hardy_1883982,670adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; Thomas Hardy, Wessex Tales
a_hedgehog1894,075parliamentary language : Hansard
a_hirodai_mission10241mission statement ; Shinsaku Fukuda, Hirosaki University, 2020
a_history_of_greece1402,700travel-guide : Berlitz History of Greece
a_history_of_qed621,369belles lettres, biography, essays ; Dennis Ritchie, An incomplete history of the QED Text Editor
a_ibm_1401921,182instruction manual : IBM 1401 Programming Systems manual
a_johnson_letter31520open letter ; Boris Johnson, March 2020
a_joseph_byers6124miscellaneous example
a_joyce_19141843,111adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; James Joyce, Dubliners
a_ks4_english32687teaching instruction
a_kyoto_140689Wikipedia 2011/01/13 (translated from Japanese)
a_kyoto_21241,805Wikipedia 2011/01/13 (translated from Japanese)
a_kyoto_313257Wikipedia 2011/01/13 (translated from Japanese)
a_law_h15a1193377,874law ; Japanese Law Translation Database System
a_lob_a011332,028press : reportage ; Daily Herald, Political Reportage, February 1961
a_lob_a021172,031press : reportage ; Daily Mail, Political Reportage, September 1961
a_lob_g01642,047belles lettres, biography, essays ; Harold F. Hutchinson, The Hollow Crown: A Life of Richard II. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode (Publishers) Ltd., 1961. pp. 42-47
a_lob_j011032,049learned and scientific writings ; A. G. W. Horsley, A Possible Galvanic Cell Method for Monitoring the Activity of Oxygen in a Hot-Tapped Sodium Coolant Circuit, 1961
a_lob_n011112,009adventure and western fiction ; Hugh Matheson, The Balance of Fear. London: Gibbs & Phillips, 1961. pp. 128-135
a_lob_n021342,051adventure and western fiction ; Juliet Armstrong, Tropic Wind. London: Mills and Boon Ltd., 1961. pp. 130-135
a_lockdown661,059press : reportage : BBC, Lifestyle Reportage
a_loosechange1982,303adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; Andrea Levy, Loose Change, The Independent on Sunday, 2005
a_major_case441,527law ; Court supplemental written submissions ; John Major, 2019
a_maptext14173miscellaneous example : walk description
a_meteors573instruction manual : computer game
a_ninjal_mission36769mission statement ; Taro Kageyama, National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics, 2016
a_nyt2000041013231press : reportage ; New York Times
a_opencities22455educational material
a_osaka_statement13351social media statement ; Naomi Osaka, June 1, 2021
a_pantomime7111educational material
a_paulfellows762,291talk transcript: Paul Fellows, ARX, Arthur and RISC OS, 15th October 2012
a_planetoid17349instruction manual : computer game
a_potter_190256963adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; Beatrix Potter, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, Frederick Warne & Co., 1902
a_queen_broadcast21519broadcast speech ; Queen Elizabeth II, April 2020
a_saint_exupery_19431031,282adventure and western fiction ; Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
a_seashells336nursery rhyme
a_seiko_9r65951,667instruction manual ; Grand Seiko Spring Drive watch
a_stick12322instruction manual : computer program
a_stories_09_m1213137edited child writing, 9-year-old
a_stories_09_m1412145edited child writing, 9-year-old
a_stories_10_k0313216edited child writing, 10-year-old
a_stories_10_k5812191edited child writing, 10-year-old
a_stories_11_h3812172edited child writing, 11-year-old
a_stories_discourse_1693miscellaneous examples
a_sunglasses_story21372miscellaneous example
a_ted_talk_112623,198TED talk subtitles : Ken Robinson, Do schools kill creativity?, 2006
a_thrust26295instruction manual : computer game
a_toeic1397educational material : exam question
a_uksc_judgment531,111law ; Judgment - The Supreme Court (uksc_2019_0192), 2019
a_voice_of_america1222,214press : reportage - Voice of America
a_voyager15240mission statement ; Jimmy Carter, Voyager Spacecraft Statement, 1977
a_wilde_1_18882503,469adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; Oscar Wilde, The Happy Prince, 1910 David Nutt edition
a_wilde_2_1888941,660adventure and western fiction : Short stories ; Oscar Wilde, The Selfish Giant, 1910 David Nutt edition
a_wsj_164023543press : reportage ; Wall Street Journal
a_yeats_1899669poetry ; W.B. Yeats, He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven